Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Featured Novice: Piper Bentley

I was going through my folders of photos and remembered how much I liked the ones taken by my daughter Piper (then barely 10) while we were in Italy in 2007. So I thought I'd share them.

We spent many hours and calories trudging up and down ancient staircases throughout Tuscany and Umbria. I'm not sure where this one is.

Here too I'm unsure of the location, but I love Piper's eye for shape and composition. Although swallows were ubiquitous, I like to think she intentionally captured this one.

Perugia (before)
We walked along an elevated sidewalk in this town, which let us spy on a few apartments. I love the lonely washcloth on the clothesline and its shadow. These pigeons were suspiciously hanging around this window.

Perugia (after)
Soon we understood what they were waiting for.

Randy, at the Molino
The neighbor kitten was a constant companion in our villa and was inclined to try to mate with our feet whenever possible, hence his name). Here his wanton disregard for a house of cards is captured.

Arezzo flea market
A huge and fabulous market for anything old you can imagine.

I'm pretty sure this is Cortona, but every town we visited had wonderful doors.

San Gimignano
Piper took my advice to sometimes look up from the pavement.

La strada
This is on the road somewhere. I love the serendipity of the "curve" sign's appearance.

Piper won a school award for this one, which she took of an urban stream.

One of the few signs of life in this town, which was essentially closed for the winter.

Literally, the graffiti means "I and you three meters above the sky." (That is, in "seventh heaven.") It's also a book and movie title.

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