Black and White Weekend, a few studies in architecture from past journies...
Our first big trip as a family foursome (i.e., visiting more than just England) we spent a whopping three days in Paris. It was stiflingly hot that summer and we slouched in the shade of the Eiffel Tower.
Paris, obviously, 2004 |
A year later I shepherded two 15-year-old lads around England and although staying mostly to unbeaten tracks we did have to pay homage to a tourist sight or two.
British Museum, 2005 |
London Eye, 2005 |
And then a year after that my wife and I got to enjoy a brief Italian sojourn without kids at all. What a concept! It was blisteringly hot then too. Italy won the World Cup and all hell broke briefly loose.
Milan Galleria, 2006 |
Florence parking garage, 2006 |