Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Event: Pasquale Processione

Theme Thursday and Weekend in Black and White once again: Although I've never been in Italy for Christmas, I've been there twice for Easter. Here are some shots from a night-time Good Friday procession through the streets of Sansepolcro, Tuscany, April 2007. It went on for several hours, with virtually the entire town taking part, bundled up in the cold and slowly walking past stations of the cross staged every couple of streets, with townsfolk and children in costume as Israelites and Centurions. Monks in black peaked robes accompanied us and the parade was led by priests with candelabras; many people carried their own candles.

Looking forward

The Medieval meets the present

Young Catholics doing their best impression of young Jews

We three kings of Orient are

Pieta and fruit

Shorn Christ and an overcome Centurion


Brian Miller said...

wow. this would be fascinating to be a part of...the centurion hats are so cool too...ha...

Jinksy said...

Striking B & W photos of this event. ♥

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

vivid showcase of the event.
well done entry.

Kris McCracken said...

I am with the fellow on the end, when it comes to Christmas.

Mrsupole said...

I like how basically the whole town participates in this event. I cannot imagine that there is any event that would have everyone in my city participate. Really cool how the children have parts to play, and they look so cute all dressed up. Lots of memories being built up for them to share with their children some day.

I like how the pics are in B&W to where one concentrates on the faces and the emotions displayed.

A great event for this weeks Theme Thursday, thanks for playing.

God bless.

Madrid, April 2024