Thursday, January 12, 2012

Belvedere (The Beautiful View)

Today's Theme for Thursday is "View." As is my wont I have eschewed posting any "beautiful" or color postcardy shots, though lord knows I take them as much as anyone else. (And yes, the viewful banner is indeed of Florence, Italy.)

Raindrop-spotted view of fog from atop St. Francis's monastery at La Verna, Tuscany
This is the spot where St. Francis crouched terrified in a tiny gouge in the cliffside during a storm and received his famous stigmata. We were there on a cold and windy day, snow on the ground and rain and fog in the air. On a clear day, we understood, the view off the mountain is stunning. We pretty much stayed inside, snacking on beer and fabulous nutty-honey-jam the monks make. I have to say I had never seen a bartender at a monastery before this.

View out the window of one house at Ercolano (Herculaneum) to the neighbor's
The ancient town of Ercolano was buried for centuries under ash like Pompeii, and the large excavation is currently about 30 feet below the rest of the new town. Hence, even if the houses were not a foot apart, there would be no view. Still, the houses have windows.

Distracted from the view by bed linens, Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, Umbria
This tiny village with a huge name is perched atop a high hill at the end of a very long road. As always I was more interested in flapping laundry than sweeping views of the valley.


Brian Miller said...

really like that last shot...the second one almost looks like continuous wall with a patch of a different color...

Kristin said...

what a view while hanging your sheets.

Mrsupole said...

I like all the views in the pictures. In the second picture it did take me a while to figure out that was not a solid wall and it was actually a window. I think it was not so much about having a window with a view as it was about having fresh air coming into your place. At least the neighbors did not have a window looking directly into each others place.

Happy Theme Thursday and thanks for playing with us.

God bless.

Dragonstar said...

Three very different views. I like the last one.

Anonymous said...

I like them all but am drawn more to the first image.

Laura said...

each image so different and so lovely.

Peratallada, Catalonia, April 2024

 A pleasant morning in the unretouched medieval village of Peratallada. Ghost ivy Peculiar window display The town moat