Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Day in Roma

It was a rainy day. Our tour of middle- and high-school students had just missed, for better or worse, the spectacle of hordes of mourners from around the world saying goodbye to the dead Pope.

The Vatican tours were still crowded but the streets seemed quite subdued. An occasional distressed Roman could be seen in out of the way places.

The outpouring grief was perhaps only a slight addition to the standard despair of a few, like this beggar, prostrate on the Spanish Steps.

However, life also goes on: the baglady and dog on their rounds at the Colosseum.


K. said...

I wept many bitter tears that day.

Kat Mortensen said...

This is my first time to your blog, Sean. I am agog at the photographs and will be adding you to my sidebar.

I'm a Catholic, but was not around at the time of this Pope's death. In fact, I'm not certain to which Pope you are alluding. Can you help me out? I was born in 1961.


Sean Bentley said...

Hi Kat, thanks for the "agog"!

So,that was Pope John Paul II, in 2005. I'm not a Catholic and had to look it up on Google!

Now I need to post a few more Europe shots, I've been concentrating on sepia so much.

Kat Mortensen said...

Ha! Because of the sepia and the setting, I thought it was one of the earlier Popes. He was my favourite!

Jesson Balaoing said...

great photo's look old one!

Peratallada, Catalonia, April 2024

 A pleasant morning in the unretouched medieval village of Peratallada. Ghost ivy Peculiar window display The town moat