It's hard to take a bad picture in Venice. Here are a few glimpses of workaday Venetians from our 2004 trip.

The pigeon-chow vendor, Piazza San Marco. I love the draped muslin sunblinds, behind which is a famed cafe once frequented by revolutionaries. Meanwhile the pigeons get fat and fatter, and bolder.

The waiter, near the Doge's Palace. I think this cafe had the most expensive sandwich and sparkling water I have ever consumed. But it was worth it, what ambiance! The shade, not to mention a place to sit, was welcome after trudging miles around the hot cobblestone alleys.
Of course, streetlife in Venice also means canal life.

The deliverymen. Not such a bad job!

Gondolier on a mobilephone break. Everyone with any sense was taking a siesta.

I don't know what these guys were doing but they were up early and rattling around in a backwater canal. There's something ineffable about being a tourist in a fantastically beautiful spot while the people who live there just go about their business.

Siesta's over, and the gondoliers queue up to cart off tourists.